This set of challenge coins was created for a project Layton was working on with Aligned Energy. The specific project was titled “Project Maguire” after the movie Jerry Maguire. The group wanted the coin to be themed based on the movie. I had never seen the movie, so I watched it to gain ideas of what kinds of elements I could include in the design.
Not only was I supposed to include themes from the movie, but I also needed to show the unity between Layton Construction and Aligned Energy. With these two things, I came up with a couple of ideas to include those elements. Originally, I illustrated a different headshot of Jerry Maguire, but after further consideration, it was decided that the main headshot from the movie cover would be the most recognizable. I also wanted to include one of the lines from the movie on the coin. I experimented with “Show me the money”, but eventually ended up using “You complete me.” It better exemplified the unity between the two companies.
The actual design itself went through many different iterations. There were versions with football helmets, football fields, a football & a helmet, a puzzle piece, etc. Eventually, I decided to use the goldfish because it was a common theme throughout the movie. I also included the puzzle piece idea behind the goldfish to further promote the idea of unity. Overall, the client loved the design and I think it came out great as well.